
Homemade Gifts Are Special

December 14, 2018

Sometimes we busy getting gifts and even thing, oh no our 5 yr old does not have anything for grandpa. But I am here to tell you that some of the best gifts my family has ever got were ones my children made. 

Example: My son was asked three simple questions that were printed on a paper when he was four or five years old. The questions were. How old is your mom. He listed me as 19 (he got good points for that). What is your favorite thing to do with your mom? Watch her make eggs and eat with me (Melts my heart.)Where is you favorite place to go with your mom? McDonalds but she does not know where it is. (That is what he thinks) ******Try this and frame it.**********

Foot prints on a bag. Press their feet into brown paint. Then draw then antlers. Write the year and child's name. 

Or a floor mat made reindeer made with a kids foot print and hand print.

Have them paint a picture.

Have them make an ornament and make sure to add the date.

Teach them how to sew a pillow.

Even just making a necklace, makes a difference.