Sharks and Other Creatures Have Arrived at
the New Sea Life Charlotte-Concord Aquarium !!!
The 36,000 SF destination will house 5,000 creatures and open
at Concord Mills on Feb. 20.
To view and download photos from the event, visit
My children and I were able to attend this event, and let me tell you, it was incredible. You can read below about how the delivery was organized and executed. But first, please enjoy some of the photos from our day - from the police escort for the semi carrying the fish, to the arrival of Charlotte Motor Speedway's Lugnut and Sea Life's mascot Sharky, to the Young Environmentalist Children walking the red carpet to the delivery and transfer of all of the fish. The aquarium is beautiful, and I hope you all will take the opportunity to visit and enjoy! -Stacie K

Concord, NC (Feb. 6, 2014) Sea Life Charlotte-Concord ushered three sharks, five rays and over 30 species of other fish and invertebrates into their new aquatic home in red carpet fashion during the aquarium’s Fish Arrival event held at Concord Mills today.
The creature transport truck, a specially equipped semi truck with holding tanks and a life support system for the animals’ health and safety, arrived at Sea Life Charlotte-Concord Aquarium at 9:00 am Thursday. The truck was escorted by police vehicles, a NASCAR car and a stretch limousine.
Lug Nut, the official mascot of the Charlotte Motor Speedway, made an appearance on the red carpet in a NASCAR track car to introduce Sea Life Charlotte-Concord’s new shark mascot, Sharky, to the community. Sea Life Charlotte-Concord’s Facebook page fans submitted ideas through a contest to name the mascot in January.
Sharky exited a limo with winners of the aquarium’s Young Environmentalist Panel contest. The Young Environmentalist student panelists were selected in December from more than 130 contest submissions. Ranging in age from 8 to 12, the students will help spread awareness of the aquarium and marine conservation issues to their schools and local communities.
After a period of readjustment and monitoring in the truck for the creatures to acclimate, they were rushed inside and released into their tanks. The sharks and rays rode in hammock-like stretchers as the Sea Life team ran them up the stairs to the top of the main ocean tank. This was not the only creature delivery for the aquarium, but it was the only one open to non-employees.
Guests were able to watch as the creatures including black nose sharks, cow nose rays, jewel damselfish, French angelfish, upside down jellyfish and venomous lion fish were unloaded and brought quickly inside the aquarium with Sea Life Charlotte-Concord’s curator David Cochran supervising every moment of the careful transition.
Guests also toured the newly installed 180-degree underwater tunnel and ocean tank. Area students were painting the fourth layer of a large custom sea mural, designed by local artist Bridgit Scheide. The completed mural will be on display at the Grand Opening.
The new aquarium owned by Merlin Entertainments will open its doors at noon on Feb. 20 at Concord Mills. Grand opening festivities for the public start at 10:30 am. Tickets and Annual Passes are on sale now at special discounted rates through Feb. 19 at
For more information, visit

Concord, NC (Feb. 6, 2014) Sea Life Charlotte-Concord ushered three sharks, five rays and over 30 species of other fish and invertebrates into their new aquatic home in red carpet fashion during the aquarium’s Fish Arrival event held at Concord Mills today.
The creature transport truck, a specially equipped semi truck with holding tanks and a life support system for the animals’ health and safety, arrived at Sea Life Charlotte-Concord Aquarium at 9:00 am Thursday. The truck was escorted by police vehicles, a NASCAR car and a stretch limousine.
Lug Nut, the official mascot of the Charlotte Motor Speedway, made an appearance on the red carpet in a NASCAR track car to introduce Sea Life Charlotte-Concord’s new shark mascot, Sharky, to the community. Sea Life Charlotte-Concord’s Facebook page fans submitted ideas through a contest to name the mascot in January.
Sharky exited a limo with winners of the aquarium’s Young Environmentalist Panel contest. The Young Environmentalist student panelists were selected in December from more than 130 contest submissions. Ranging in age from 8 to 12, the students will help spread awareness of the aquarium and marine conservation issues to their schools and local communities.
After a period of readjustment and monitoring in the truck for the creatures to acclimate, they were rushed inside and released into their tanks. The sharks and rays rode in hammock-like stretchers as the Sea Life team ran them up the stairs to the top of the main ocean tank. This was not the only creature delivery for the aquarium, but it was the only one open to non-employees.
Guests were able to watch as the creatures including black nose sharks, cow nose rays, jewel damselfish, French angelfish, upside down jellyfish and venomous lion fish were unloaded and brought quickly inside the aquarium with Sea Life Charlotte-Concord’s curator David Cochran supervising every moment of the careful transition.
Guests also toured the newly installed 180-degree underwater tunnel and ocean tank. Area students were painting the fourth layer of a large custom sea mural, designed by local artist Bridgit Scheide. The completed mural will be on display at the Grand Opening.
The new aquarium owned by Merlin Entertainments will open its doors at noon on Feb. 20 at Concord Mills. Grand opening festivities for the public start at 10:30 am. Tickets and Annual Passes are on sale now at special discounted rates through Feb. 19 at
For more information, visit