
Join the Lake Norman Macaroni Kid Birthday Club

Free Birthday Club Sending Your Child a Card Filled with Gifts

By Melissa Llado - Publisher, Lake Norman Macaroni Kid September 26, 2019

My kids LOVE getting mail... yes, snail mail... like good old fashioned mail!  They love it so much that, when I had a meeting in Orlando last month, I mailed them postcards from Orlando and I returned home before the postcards made it.  But, to see my kids' faces light up because they received "REAL mail" is so worth it!!

Which is why we've created the Lake Norman Macaroni Kid Birthday Club!

What do you get with the Lake Norman Macaroni Kid Birthday Club Membership?

When you join the LKNMK Birthday Club you'll get access to our hyper-local weekly newsletter packed full of events and activities happening around town, your child will receive a REAL birthday card in the mail full of fun surprises from area businesses to celebrate their birthday, and they'll be entered to win our Ultimate Birthday Prize Pack for the month of their birthday.

How much does the Lake Norman Macaroni Kid Birthday Club Membership cost?

It's FREE!  Yep, as long as you're a subscriber to the Lake Norman Macaroni Kid Weekly Newsletter, then you get the Birthday Club Membership absolutely free!  (Not a subscriber yet?  Sign up here!)

How to Join the Lake Norman Macaroni Kid Birthday Club?

Simply fill out this form for each of your children and you're all set!

When do the birthday cards get mailed?

We mail out all of the birthday cards for the month on the 2nd.  We recommend sharing the birthday card right away as some of our business partners' gifts are only valid during the birthday month.  Besides, who doesn't want to celebrate their birthday all month long?!

My friend lives outside of the Lake Norman Area, can she sign her kids up?

Unfortunately, the Lake Norman Macaroni Kid Birthday Club is only open to residents within the Lake Norman area.  But, Macaroni Kid has over 500 editions across the US and Canada, so we recommend checking their local edition for the birthday club in their area.

I'm a business and would love to participate in the Lake Norman Macaroni Kid Birthday Club, who do I contact?

If you're a locally owned business or local franchise we would love to set up a partnership with you!  Please contact for more information about advertising options and our current reach.

If you're a national company, you'll need to contact Eric at Macaroni Kid Headquarters to inquire about advertising options. He can be reached at